It's always been a deep burden in my heart to see YDM be filled with passionate youths truly on fire for God. The amazing, life-changing worship sessions we have in camps should happen every single week because God deserves nothing less than the best!
The vision for 2007 is to have a hundred youths by the end of the year. Can you guys dream with us? Can you catch on to the vision? Because at the end of the day it's you guys who are going to make things happen. Are you going to start inviting your friends? Are you going to share your life experiences with Him openly to every single person you know? Yes, it is hard. Yes, you might get ridiculed. Yes, you might have to get down on your knees and prayed like you never prayed before. But it's all worth it guys. It's all worth it.
In the prayer meeting I just felt God speak to me and all He said was three words: "How long more?" How long more are you going to be content at just staying at the same level of intimacy in your relationship with Him? How long more are you just going to carry out your normal life for six days of the week, come to YDM for one day of the week, and expect change?
I'm not discouraging anyone. Now is the time to get up on your feet and run after Him. There is so much more in store from God for you personally, as well as for us together as a youth ministry! Are you ready for it?
See you all on the 13th of January 2007 for an explosive start to the year!

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