Since the passing of the young girl recently, it's been a burden on my heart to reach out to the people around me. I see some of my friends in school virtually every day of the week, and yet I fail to be able to share with them the truth of salvation which has altered all of my life.
I used to think it was ok just to wait and let God open clear doors for me to share the gospel. But I realise I have to be intentional first, then God opens the door as He wills. You have to start initiating conversations with someone about "religion" first, rather than waiting for them to ask you. Why? Because if you wait, it might be too late.
Surely it would be the biggest regret of your life if you woke up one day and you realise you had lost a good friend that you didn't share the gospel with yet. I pray none of you will ever go through that.
Take a step of faith. Take a step of courage. The Holy Spirit will give you words when you think you don't have any.
We have a world to save. Are you going to do anything about it?

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