This year's Youth Camp is coming up in less than 2 months!
Honestly, I can't believe how time has flown by. It seems like yesterday that I was in the middle of taking my exams in Brunei whilst being at Youth Camp at the same time. And now, it is that time of the year again.
Even though I am in the good ol' US of A, my heart still longs for God to move within the youth community of Brunei. Why? Because I know God wants to move in any community worldwide. He wants His gospel and His love to be spread to every tribe and tongue so that all men may have the free choice of salvation.
This year's Youth Camp theme regards God Encounters. I know you guys will be refreshed by God during the four days at camp. He will move in powerful ways. But, please, I urge you to INVITE your friends. Salvation is such an important gift once you comprehend its meaning. I pray that the joy of your salvation be renewed over these few weeks, and that this joy will spur you on to see the ones you love being saved.
As promised in Isaiah 30, God longs to be gracious to you. Spend time in His presence, but don't do so with the wrong motivations. Be set free in Christ from the things that surround you, from the things that hold you down. Pray for joy to be in your heart once again.
The God encounters start today!
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