New details in green.
New details in green.

Hi campers! I know everyone's missing camp, but we've got Friday to look forward to!
Meet at St. Andrew's School at 8:00am on Friday, 27th June 2008. We'll be going to Muara Beach by bus, so please bring $8 as bus fare. Parents to pick up from school at 6:00pm.
Note to group leaders: Please try ASAP to confirm which of your group members will be able to make it on Friday. We'll need the numbers to figure out the bus logistics.
Oh, and it's gonna be a bring-n-share, so please bring some food along too. And as always with beach outings, it'd be better if the food were easy to just "pick up and eat". Getting sand in your food = yuck.
Some things to bring (besides the food and $8):
- At least one set of extra clothes & towel (Duh!)
- Frisbees, beachballs, kites, and whatever other beach toys you'd like to bring
- Plenty of sunblock for all you "burnable" people
Anyway, here's a wallpaper (1024 X 768) to stick on your desktop as a reminder of camp!
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