God loves to start God-sized projects using "human zeros." To send a Saviour into the world He used the infertile wombs of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and eventually the womb of the young virgin Mary. To us, they look null and void, but from His viewpoint they represent pregnant emptiness and untapped potential waiting for a divine touch. The Lord delights in those moments when we come to Him in childlike faith and surrender to request that He make something out of nothing.
God prefers to invest His glory in the impossible and improbable because it is always clear that the Diety did it, not the hand of flesh.
This explains why He generally doesn't call us to do things we can accomplish in our own ability. The Lord often invests more of Himself in people and situations that have less to offer. Think about the battle of Gideon's army against the enemies of Israel for example. Gideon started off by assembling an army of 32,000 men but God says that's too many. Down to 10,000 in a few minutes yet it's still too many. Finally the number reaches 300 and God says O.K, now go fight the 135,000. Yes, 135,000. Gideon armed each man in his token army with nothing more than a ram's horn and a clay jar with a torch in it.
We love miracles and dramatic testimonies of God's faithfulness, but we don't like the process He uses to dial down our resources until we get to the place of where only He can do it. We especially dislike the wait.
Everything you've longed for is already promised and paid for in full, but perhaps it hasn't been delivered yet. Heaven's blood-certified check is in the mail. God will wait until your flesh and your ego are so dead they stink! That is when He says, "Now is the time for resurrection. No one else is going to get the glory but Me, for I am the only One who can do this." That is the virtue of zero! None of me equals all of Him!

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