29 September 2006

Condolence to Philip Khor and his family

I hate to come out of hiatus just to break bad news but... for those who know Philip Khor or Mr. Khor, St. Andrew's ex-deputy principal... Philip's mom just passed away recently and I think reading from what Philip wrote personally is best... so here's an excerpt from Philip Khor's blog...

On Thursday, 28th September, my mum, Tai Gaik Ean @ Annie Wong Gaik Ean passed away peacefully at 4:10pm.

Memorial @ our home on Friday. Church service on Saturday 2pm, BMBC. Obituary ad on The Star near Sports Pages tomorrow (Friday). Details, drop me an SMS.

His mom was diagnosed with [edit]cervical cancer which spread to her lungs[/edit]... I hope those who know Philip can send their condolences and their prayers to him and his family at this time.


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