After that we played the "Murderer" game, a game that has been played over and over again. Funny thing was the first elected murderer didn't kill anyone so we all stood there waiting for Christmas. Which by the way, isn't that far away. Anyway, turns out she didn't know she was the murderer....O...k....

Cell group time after that. Not much else to report for this week really. We are still looking for testimonials so if anyone has anything that they feel they want to share, please send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you, and with your consent, to post up the testimonial too. This goes out to anyone overseas as well!
For more pictures from last week, please click here.
There are also some pictures from the Mission Week Treasure Hunt, a fun afternoon filled with perhaps too much thinking for a Sunday afternoon. Lorene's team got second place and thus won a Sony Digital camera. Congratulations to them! If you didn't participate this year, there's always next year to look forward too.
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